On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

* On Wed, Jan 30 2008, Dave Rolsky wrote:
Yes, unfortunately it's never been freaking fixed, which is why it's
come up 129387 times (at least). I did submit a patch to Simon Wistow
for Module::Pluggable in September. It made Module::Pluggable ignore
editor junk files by default, though it didn't catch "._*" files (easy
enough to add).

Unfortunately he never responded.

I've also fixed this about 128745 times inside Catalyst (one of my first
ever posts to the mailing list, in fact), but it keeps getting reverted.
In fact, I think I applied your patch a while ago, but was asked to
revert it.

Yes, you did. My patch could probably be redone as a Module::Pluggable::Object subclass or something if that'd be more palatable. My original Catalyst patch was much more blunt.

I vote to hack around this in Catalyst until it's fixed upstream.  This
has gone on long enough.

++ for all the say I have ;)


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