On 7 Mar 2008, at 09:03, Alex Povolotsky wrote:

Martin Ellison wrote:
Is there anything attached to Catalyst similar to the CGI.pm module? That is, creating the HTML by a series of procedure calls rather than by instantiating a template?

Or is there some way to link up the existing CGI module? $c- >response->body(ul(li(q{hello}), li(q{world})))) ?

Or is it not a good idea?

I couldn't find anything from a search, so excuse me please if this has been covered before.

Creating HTML inside the code is the best way to make unreadable, unmaintainable program with mysterious errors.


There's always Template::Declare[0] which lets you do

template simple => sub { html { head {} body { p {'Hello, world wide web!'} } } }; And keep the html in a sensible place (i.e. not in your controllers). Never used it but i know Jon Rockway has so perhaps he can comment on how useful it actually is.

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