>> On Fri, 07 Mar 2008 10:24:45 +0100, Cosimo Streppone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> said:

> For example, I designed and maintained for years a web framework where
> we allowed something like:

>     $table->add_row('this', 'that');
>     $table->add_row($chart);
>     $table->set_cell_opt(1, 0, colspan=>2);

>     $doc->body->add($table);
>     $doc->body->add($tree);

> We had many kind of html "widgets", from simple ones, like 'table',
> to complex ones, like 'treeview' or 'multiselect', or charts.

Yes.  I did that too.  It was keen in 1997, and the reason I was using
those idioms was because e.g. HTML::Mason didn't exist then.  (*koff*
and in 1998 I was still certain enough of my own invincibility I
wouldn't look around for the help) and now I have a pain in the butt.

> You can still separate (almost) clearly your presentation from your
> application logic, and your code is highly maintainable, at least
> IMO.

It's only maintainable for you.  And once you've actually -maintained-
it for 7 years, you'll find yourself hesitant to assert that much.
Code senescence is real.

Seriously.  Every iota of infrastructure you can punt to some larger
community's set of rules and conventions is a win.  

- Allen S. Rout

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