Quoting Kieren Diment <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 12 Jun 2008, at 17:48, Tobias Kremer wrote:
> > worse than the current Catalyst frontpage. They all pale in comparison
> > to nearly EVERY other MVC framework's web site. Look at
> > djangoproject.com,
> > cakephp.org, symfony-project.org, even rubyonrails.org with its

> Subjectively speaking, I think that all the sites you mention above
> are horribly ugly with the exception of the rubyonrails one which is
> quite nice.   Mainly the other sites lose me in a technicolour yawn
> (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=technicolor+yawn) of
> blocky colour.

This goes to show how different taste can be - It's impossible to discuss
these things objectively :)

The proposal by Simon Elliott is the only worthwhile contender IMHO, although
it's a little bit too conservative/unspecial. I'm still trying to figure out
who needs salt'n'pepper for a cake though ... :)

The other proposed layouts are making fundamental mistakes regarding
color scheme choice and/or distribution of elements. I'm not a professional web
designer but a blue box with a thick light green frame below a dark red header
and everything blurred into oblivion by shadows, makes me wanna scream :)

> I'd also like to see a way for the crop circle image to get
> integrated into the top banner gradient thingy.

Whatever we do with the crop circle, please no more giant images of wheat crop
circles ... Catalyst shouldn't be an alien framework from outer space :)


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