On 12.06.2008, at 22:43, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
* Tobias Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-12 13:00]:
I couldn't resist it ... Here's something I whipped up in the
last hour or so:
Shall I continue my effort or is this too little too late? :)

I like it a lot, with the exception of the brownish red that


dominates the top of the page: it clashes with the Cat logo
colours. As you said, there is also a bunch of changes that
should be made, but I think the direction is good.

Yes, after sending the mail, I checked my mockup on another monitor which indeed revealed a more brownish tone than I originally intended. Guess I'll have to check my color profile ... :)

Main issue on the page itself: the left column of the footer
needs to be the main content on the home page. The About blurb is
too long, and I’m ambivalent about the Success Stories. The
homepage needs to be targetted at people who know nothing about
Catalyst and it needs to show how to get answers to three main
questions (and answer them super briefly itself):

I highly appreciate your suggestions and will try to incorporate them in future versions.

--Tobias _______________________________________________
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