On 13 Jun 2008, at 15:03, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

* On Fri, Jun 13 2008, Jonathan Tweed wrote:
On 13 Jun 2008, at 13:51, Jonathan Rockway wrote:

It all boils down to this.  Catalyst is the only really useful Perl
framework.  Perl is the only really useful language for writing web
applications.  So people are going to use Catalyst regardless of
the background color on the website is #83f8e2 or #85f9ff.

I think you're missing an 'if you only know Perl'.

Otherwise you're just talking shit ;-)

I'll bite.

I agree with you that Perl is an excellent (possibly the best, depending on what you are doing) language for writing web applications, but to say it is the only really useful is absurd.

Some people are going to use Catalyst regardless of the background colour, but to others it is important. I'd argue that in some ways they are more important as they are less likely to already be heavy Perl users.

I think that Catalyst does have a opportunity to reach out to non-Perl devs, but not if we adopt the same attitude as the rest of the Perl community.


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