* On Sun, Oct 05 2008, Andrew Rodland wrote:
> On Sunday 05 October 2008 06:16:57 pm Mark Keating wrote:
>> On 6 Oct 2008, at 00:01, J. Shirley wrote:
>> > Andy apparently just wanted to start a flamewar.  This "article" is
>> > idiotic, the reasons more so.  I'm disappointed in perlbuzz in general
>> > as it now holds the same amount of respect as getting my news from The
>> > National Inquirer.
>> >
>> > I'd encourage people to rather blog about finding the article to be in
>> > poor taste, then post their success stories.  Commenting here or on
>> > that blog entry is going to be buried.
>> ++ to this
> Thirdeded. The best cure for Andy is to ignore him.

BTW, I have to mention one of Andy's talks at OSCON:


It's called "People for Geeks", i.e. "how to be nice to people".

If it's possible to die from an irony attack, you might not be seeing
much more of me :)

Jonathan Rockway

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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