On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Giancarlo Corcuera
<gianca...@capybara-software.com> wrote:
> Sorry, if you referred to this...
> Here is my login method:
> sub login :Chained('lang') :PathPart('sign_in') :Args(0) :Form {
>   my ($self, $c) = @_;
>     my $url_language = $c->stash->{'language'};
>   my $lang_id = $c->stash->{'language_id'};
>     my $form_data = load_tags($c,'fe_login_form', $lang_id);
>   $c->stash->{'page_title'} = $form_data->{'form_title'};
>     my $form = $self->formbuilder->new(
>       {
>           'source' => $c->config->{'home'}.'/root/forms/login/login.fb',
>           'title'  => $form_data->{'form_title'},
>           'submit' => $form_data->{'sign_in'},
>           'header' => 0
>       } );
>     $form->field(
>       'name'  => 'username',
>       'label' => $form_data->{'username'}
>   );
>     $form->field(
>       'name'  => 'password',
>       'label' => $form_data->{'password'}
>   );
>     $form->field(
>       'name' => 'qr_submit',
>       'type' => 'hidden'
>   );
>     if ( $form->submitted && $form->validate ) {
>       my $qr_submit = $form->field('qr_submit') || 0;
>             if ( $c->login( $form->field('username'),
> $form->field('password') ) ) {
>                     $c->session->{'user_id'}   = $c->user->user_id;
>           $c->session->{'is_client'} = $c->user->is_client;
>                     if ( $c->user->is_client eq 'Y' ) {
>                             $c->session->{'user_cty'} =
> $c->user->b_customer_id->
>                   b_country_id->country_code;
> $c->forward('set_currency_format',[$c->session->{'user_cty'}]);
>                             $url_language =
> $c->user->b_customer_id->b_country_id
>                   ->language_iso;
>                         }
>           else {
>                             $c->session->{'user_cty'} = 'US';
>               $c->forward('set_currency_format', ['US']);
>                         };
>                     $c->forward('user_roles', [$c->user->user_id]);
>           $c->forward('lang_session',[]);
>                 }
>       else {
>                     if ( $qr_submit == 1 ) {
>                             $c->flash->{'login_username'} =
> $form->field('username');
>                             $c->flash->{'login_qr'} = 1;
>               $c->flash->{'login_error'} = $form_data->{'error_message'};
>                             $c->session->{'rq'} = undef;
>              _*
>  $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language/quotes/edit"));
>               $c->detach();*_
>                         };
>                     $c->flash->{'error'} = $form_data->{'error_message'};
>          _*
>  $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language/sign_in"));
>           $c->detach();*_
>                 };
>             if ( $qr_submit == 1 ) {
>                     $c->session->{'rq'} = undef;
> _*            $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language/quotes/edit"));
>           $c->detach();*_
>                 };
>             if ( $c->user->is_client eq 'N' ) {
>          _*            $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/administrator'));
>           $c->detach();*_
>                 }
>       else {
>                     $c->session->{'rq'} = undef;
> _*                     $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for("/$url_language"));
>           $c->detach();*_
>                 };
>         };
>     $c->stash->{'path'}     = $c->request->{'path'};
>   $c->stash->{'template'} = 'login.tt2';
> };
> after some operations and/or validations (which are working perfectly) none
> of the redirects works in IE but it does on Firefox.
> Thanks,
> Giancarlo
> J. Shirley wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:06 AM, Giancarlo Corcuera
>> <gianca...@capybara-software.com> wrote:
>>> I made an application that works fine in the Debian server with catalyst.
>>> The problem comes when I use any redirect inside a controller module.
>>> For example:
>>> When I sign in the application redirects me to the appropiate page
>>> according
>>> to the user type but in IE it doesn't redirect and showed an error page
>>> that
>>> states "IE can't show the desired page". So after I press back and
>>> ctrl+F5 I
>>> can see that the session is already created so the user is now logged in
>>> the
>>> system.
>>> Any advice will be appreciated,
>>> Regards,
>>> Giancarlo Corcuera
>> Hi there,
>> Please paste in the controller code that is relevant.
>> Thanks,
>> -Jay

(Thank you for bottom posting after this :))

In the Catalyst output debug messages, it should say "Redirecting to
[URL]" when the redirect happens.  Make sure that the URL is specified
in that message.

The redirect code itself looks legitimate, but I'm not sure if the 302
status code (which is the default on $c->res->redirect) is what you
want.  Try setting it to 303 (See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes for more
details) and try again.  The syntax for this is simply doing:
$c->res->redirect( $uri, 303 );  By default Catalyst uses 302.

The other thing to try is to verify that the Response headers are
being sent out the way that you expect them to.  Try installing
Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org/) and inspect the HTTP headers
between requests in Firefox and IE; compare any differences.

Hope this helps,

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