
There have been some fairly major changes to the way that the session code is structured recently.

This work, by Sergio Salvi, changes where the session plugin hooks into the request cycle to remove a race condition, and changes the storage of the flash to be within the normal session data.

I'm reasonably sure that it's all working as expected, but I want to get as much testing as possible before pushing up a release which will install by default for people to reduce the possibility of it causing issues for anybody.

To that end, I've pushed a dev release up to CPAN:

http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/B/BO/BOBTFISH/Catalyst-Plugin- Session-0.19_01.tar.gz

I'm going to perform some smoke testing of the other session store and credential plugins, but we also need some real testing on people's real applications.

Therefore, please please please download and test this dev release with _your_ applications, and let us know if it works as expected in your environment.

Thanks in advance

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