On Fri, 6 Feb 2009, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

=>On Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 01:57:49PM +0000, Dermot wrote:
=>> 2009/2/6 ?????? ?. ???????? <akovbov...@gmail.com>:
=>> > It would be nice if the book tells us how to work with heavy loaded
=>> > projects.
=>> I recall a thread about "what would you like in the new book". If it
=>> was still possible I'd like info on implementing a search engine into
=>> Catalyst to be included. :)
=>Hmm. As someone who just incorporated an external search
=>engine into two different Cat apps, I would have loved to have
=>had such a chapter available....
Any chance you'd consider a wiki entry or similar and post the url here :)
                                - Dwalu
I am an important person in this world -
Now is the most important time in my life -
My mistakes are my best teachers -
So I will be fearless.
                                - Student Creed

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