From: "Rodrigo" <>
>> First I was not able to install File::NFSLock with cpan, but I found a ppm
>> distribution for it.
>> But I've seen that after doing this, more other cpan modules couldn't be
>> installed, and one of them is Cache::FastMmap which I know that it can't be
>> installed under Windows.
> I switched Cache::FastMmap for Cache::FileCache (in which seems
> to work fine, but I haven't run a full test suite or used in production. I
> didn't have a problem with File::NFSLock compiling with the latest
> Strawberry version.
> -rodrigo

I've just tried to do the same thing using ActivePerl, but without success. 
Cache::memory can't be installed with cpan, and I also couldn't find a ppm 
distribution for it.

I don't know if Strawberry can be used with Active State's Perl Developer Kit 
and I think it might appear some conflicts if I would have 2 perl distributions 
installed in the same time...


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