> I have also removed it, but I found that I can't install
> DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn  with cpan, and there is no ppm distribution for
> it.
> Octavian

Wow. I haven't had a problem with that either, in at least 5 different XP
machines. Are you running Vista? What's the error?

I'm using the October 2008 versions, so I've just downloaded Jan 2009
Strawberry, installed it to c:\strawberry, ran cpan, then "notest
install DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn" and it installed it ok. On the other
hand, DBIx::Class didn't due to SQLite issues, but EncodedColumn didn't seem
to care. Obviously that would need some testing, but as far as installation
goes, it seems to be fine.
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