On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
* Ashley <a...@sedition.com> [2009-03-07 22:20]:
I used to feel the same about JS. The language itself has improved


Well... the lack of regular array operations like push, the
disparate and incompatible implementations of regular
expressions, some still current syntax disparities like
trailing commas or reserved keyword treatment, the errors
constantly shutting down browsers, operators behaving

I suppose I get what you mean, the spec didn't suck, the
implementations did. But we were discussing usage, not
design theory. :)

* <http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2009/02/20/the_dom_stigma/>
When recommending jQuery to co-workers, friends, random
passers-by and the occasional hobo (as I have been wont to do
recently) I have tended to summarize its merit as “it makes
Javascript not suck.” Which is rubbish. Javascript has always
been perfectly cromulent. What jQuery does is make the DOM API
not suck.

++ to the quoted for the use of cromulent.

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