
I know that if possible the mod_perl handlers are recommended and not ModPerl::PerlRun and neither ModPerl::Registry, but these options could be used to run Catalyst applications in less privileged servers because the server doesn't need to be restarted in order to start the application.

I read C::Engine::Apache2::MP20's POD documentation saying that:

   While this method is not recommended, you can also run your Catalyst
   application via a ModPerl::Registry script.


       PerlModule ModPerl::Registry
       Alias / /var/www/MyApp/script/myapp_registry.pl/

   <Directory /var/www/MyApp/script>
           Options +ExecCGI

   <Location />
           SetHandler          perl-script
           PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry

   script/myapp_registry.pl (you will need to create this):


   use strict;
       use warnings;
       use MyApp;

   MyApp->handle_request( Apache2::RequestUtil->request );

Does anyone know why this method is not recommended? Shouldn't it work?

I've tried it and the applications run well the main page (the / URI) but if I create another controller and try to access it, it gives a 404 Not Found error.

I tried with a pre-made app and with a new MyApp.pm with the same results.



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