On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Bruce McKenzie <bru...@dynamicrange.com>wrote:

> I have a newly developed RESTful interface to an existing server using
> C::C::REST. Works nicely -- Catalyst is a very nice tool, and the REST
> extensions are very helpful.
> The server has existing services that are orthogonal to the RESTful
> interface. I don't really wish to RESTify them so I'd like to expose them as
> Per the tutorial (
> http://search.cpan.org/~michiel/Catalyst-Plugin-Server-0.24/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Server/XMLRPC/Tutorial.pod<http://search.cpan.org/%7Emichiel/Catalyst-Plugin-Server-0.24/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Server/XMLRPC/Tutorial.pod>
>  )
> I added "Server Serve::XMLRPC" to my "use Catalyst" line.
> I now receive this:
> -------
> RestRPC has a custom request class Catalyst::Plugin::Server::Request, which
> is not a Catalyst::Request::REST; see Catalyst::Request::REST at
> /Library/Perl/5.8.8/Catalyst/Request/REST.pm line 29.
> Compilation failed in require at script/restrpc_server.pl line 55.
> -------
> I see this in the REST doc:
> -------
> Note that if you have a custom request class in your application, and it
> does
> not inherit from C<Catalyst::Request::REST>, your application will fail
> with an
> error indicating a conflict the first time it tries to use
> C<Catalyst::Request::REST>'s functionality.  To fix this error, make sure
> your
> custom request class inherits from C<Catalyst::Request::REST>.
> -------
> but that doesn't seems like an option here. (These are peers, not
> parent/child classes)
> Am I missing something obvious?
> Is there another way to do XML-RPC + REST?
> Seems like I could just handle the POSTs with non-ActionClass('REST')
> methods -- but then it becomes "not quite XML-RPC".
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ---
> Bruce McKenzie
> bru...@dynamicrange.com
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Well, the problem is the two request classes are just fighting and the
Plugin clobbers it first.  The easy solution that I can think of would be to
create a custom request class that looks like:

package MyApp::Request::XMLRPCwithREST;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base qw/Catalyst::Request::REST Class::Accessor::Fast/;

    *params = *parameters;

    sub register_server {
        my ($self, $name, $class) = @_;
        return unless ($name && $class);


Then, after that you just modify the plugins ReqClass to point to yours (in

$Catalyst::Plugin::Server::ReqClass = 'MyApp::Request::XMLRpcwithREST';

This is all just a speculative solution, but I believe it would work for
you.  You're definitely in edge-case territory though.

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