Hello, Kieren,

  thank you for your feedback.

1) CGI Template Toolkit plugin - not using it

I do not think that I am using the CGI Template Toolkit plugin.
I have only been using Template Toolkit as prescribed in the Catalyst

in my file, /myAppl/lib/myApp/View/HTML.pm, I have the line,
                     "TEMPLATE_EXTENSION => '.tt2'"

May I ask on what sort of CGI Template Toolkit plugin are you referring
to specifically?

2) Currently having my own ubuntu virtual server to deploy my application.

  - Any good recommendations?
   - Would using myapp_server.pl cut for an application which has say 50
users logged in at the same time?

Please pardon my lack of knowledge for I am only a developer and have
little experience in the systems administation and tuning sector.

Thank you, all.

Quoting Kieren Diment <kie...@diment.org>:

> Are you using the CGI Template Toolkit plugin thingy?  Don't.  This 
> will cause your problem as described.  If not you've given us  
> insufficient information
> Fastcgi is easier to setup on shared hosting, and has some  
> advantages.  CATALYST_ENGINE=HTTP::Prefork script/myapp_server.pl is 
> pretty simple and can be reverse proxied pretty easily.  Install  
> C::E::HTTP::Prefork from CPAN and give it a shot...
> On 09/04/2009, at 11:14 AM, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote:
> >
> > hello
> >
> > good morning. The page which I access at first doesn't require any
> > database request. It's just pretty much a page that's generated by
> > template toolkit and that's it.
> >
> > On the terminal which I am running the myapp_server.pl script, it 
> > seems
> > to stall and not do anything when i put in another url path into
> the
> > webbrowser and hit enter.
> >
> > Example:
> >
> >
> > 1) URL, www.lginsurance.com/signup is accessed
> > 2) URL, www.lginsurance.com/signup is accessed again by
> highlighting  
> > the
> > url on the web browser and hitting "enter"
> > --> notice that on the terminal screen, the last line is " HTML- 
> > >process
> > " along with the time taken and stalls there
> >
> > Is this a problem you guys have?
> >
> >
> >
> > for production deployment, do many of you run myapp_server.pl or
> > myapp_fastcgi.pl?
> >
> > Any comments please?
> >
> >
> > thank you
> >
> >
> > K. akimoto
> >
> >
> >

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