I've been struggling to get off the ground with
Catalyst/DBIC/Authentication. I'm new to Catalyst so I want to do
everything as standard as possible, (ie please don't tell me there is
more than one way to do it or I might have to cry.. :) and I would
like to use DBIC.

I won't go into the details[1] but I seem to be in a pattern where I
find good some good examples, get things close to working and then
discover at a certain point that I'm using deprecated stuff that
should only be used for legacy apps. And that stuff I can borrow from
example A just doesn't work with stuff from example B. So it's been
quite a frustrating exercise...

Anyway, thanks for listening and I was just wondering if someone has a
gzipped downloadable MyApp with DBIC and auth setup or maybe a blog
post somewhere that describes how to set things up the right way (and
that's new enough so there's no deprecated classes used...)

[1] Well perhaps some details in brief note form...
- The Authentication section of the Tutorial in CPAN uses some
deprecated stuff (I find out eventually)
- I got Auth working with DBIC as per the docs (with users, roles,
user_roles tables) but without a realm. So I can use (the deprecated)
$c->login but $c->authenticate doesn't work...
- After decided I would give up and just keep using the $c->login I
tried adding another table to my DBIC Schema. This caused Auth to stop


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