On 29/05/2009, at 10:36 AM, Simon Baird wrote:

Thanks for the advice. I might start fresh and see if I can pinpoint
where things went wrong.

Ok, so just now I have:

* Googled and ended up here:

Try http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial.

Is there a link that we can get the cpan admins to put into search results so that google will preferentially return the permalink urls rather than for specific versions?

* Did the svn checkout as described:
svn co 

* Fired it up and I have this in my apache log:
[warn] Authentication::Store::DBIC is deprecated!

* And so when you google that you find:
"This store has been deprecated in favour of
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class. Please do not use this
plugin for new development."

This is pretty close to what happened on the first part of my
adventures except quicker and with with less swearing... :)

Ps, ...I may have figured it out... is it because I should be using
this tutorial?


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