On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:49:45AM -0500, Stephen Clouse wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Stephen Clouse 
> <stephenclo...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Commenting that out, then theoretically (note that this is totally untested
> > at the moment, but I intend to tomorrow):
> >
> Well, it was worth a try, but obviously too much voodoo.  Catalyst complains
> about not being able to find //_DISPATCH.  Something internal gets fried
> with the delayed setup call.
> This, on the other hand, works perfectly, although less memory-efficient --
> one full compile of Catalyst per vhost.  Even so, this should be a win over
> the traditional FastCGI deployment (since the optree will at least still be
> shared within the vhost interpreter pool).

I doubt it.

FastCGI isn't "traditional" for Catalyst - it's what people switched to
because mod_perl almost never has a better memory/performance profile.

Especially since most of the mod_perl cleverness relies on interpreter
cloning, which unshares a huge amount of stuff that -can- be shared across
a fork.

        Matt S Trout         Catalyst and DBIx::Class consultancy with a clue
     Technical Director      and a commit bit: http://shadowcat.co.uk/catalyst/
 Shadowcat Systems Limited
  mst (@) shadowcat.co.uk        http://shadowcat.co.uk/blog/matt-s-trout/

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