On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Matt Whipple <m...@mattwhipple.com> wrote:

>> This is the default behavior for View::TT, as it says in the POD:
>> If a stash item isn't defined, then it instead uses the stringification of
>> the action dispatched to (as defined by $c->action) in the above example,
>> this would be |message|, but because the default is to append '.tt', it
>> would load |root/message.tt <http://message.tt>|.
>> Is that not what you wanted?
>> -J
> That is matching according to action, I'm looking to match on path (without
> having to create logically redundant complementary actions).

So, essentially, you have a separate path versus the action path, and want
it to default to the URI path and not the action Path?


sub end : Private ActionClass('RenderView') {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{template} .= $c->req->uri->path . ".tt";

Is this right? This seems like a decent enough configuration idea to have
directly in Catalyst::View::TT, rather than always pick the action.

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