On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Jason McIntosh <j...@jmac.org> wrote:
> Howdy y'all,
> Since upgrading to Catalyst 5.8022 on Wednesday, I've found that no
> Catalyst requests coming from Apache server-side includes work.
> If the user requests "foo.shtml", and that file contains "<!--#include
> virtual="/catalyst/header" -->", then Apache correctly forwards the
> request to my Catalyst FCGI. However, Catalyst now thinks that the
> request path is "foo.shtml" instead of "/catalyst/header", and
> responds with my app's 404-ey default action.
> It didn't have this problem before the upgrade. Any thoughts or advice
> would be kindly appreciated!
> (Some folks on #catalyst IRC mentioned that there might be a fix for
> this currently underway. But, Google is mum on it, as are the list
> archives, so I thought it worth bringing up here anyway.)

Did you upgrade anything else (Apache?) or just Catalyst?  Any other
changes, configuration or anything?


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Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
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