On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 17:40 +0100, Mike Raynham wrote:
> I know that this is not a Catalyst question, but I hope to get the 
> opinions of those that use Catalyst.
> I develop web sites for small businesses, and really like using Perl and 
> Catalyst.  However, there are times when developing a custom CMS is not 
> really appropriate - usually because it takes too much time (and hence 
> money) to develop, and because there are lots of ready made systems out 
> there already that will do the job.
> ...
> Does anyone have any experiences with open source CMS frameworks that 
> they are able to share?

Hi Mike,

As Devin has already mentioned, I've got a basic CMS up and running, and
I'm still adding features at a reasonable pace (this month; forums).
Take a look at www.shinycms.org and https://github.com/denny/ShinyCMS
and come chat in #shinycms on irc.perl.org - more developers would be
very welcome, likewise users with a developer mindset - the docs are a
bit lacking but I'm very happy to answer questions!  :)

It would be nice to get a Perl CMS built that we can start recommending
to people, at least for basic stuff, instead of having to look
embarrassed and point people at Drupal, Wordpress, and other PHP


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