> Can you grab the app for the phrase PERL_ENV, and show us the top level
> application class, and whichever class contains PERL_ENV?

t0m meant to say "Can you grep the app for the phrase PERL_ENV,"

..just to avoid any confusion..

>>                                              PATH_INFO
>> => "/static/images/logo.gif",
>>                                              PATH_TRANSLATED
>> => "/auto/web-sciam/app/root/**static/images/logo.gif",
>>                                              QUERY_STRING            =>
>> "",
>>                                              REMOTE_ADDR
>> => "",
>>                                              REMOTE_PORT             =>
>> 2596,
>>                                              REMOTE_USER
>> => "rkurien",
>>                                              REQUEST_METHOD          =>
>> "GET",
>>                                              REQUEST_URI
>> => "/cts/static/images/logo.gif",
>>                                              SCRIPT_FILENAME
>> => 
>> "/auto/web-sciam/app/script/ct**s_fastcgi_eifweb.pl<http://cts_fastcgi_eifweb.pl>
>> ",
>>                                              SCRIPT_NAME
>> => "/app",
>>                                              SCRIPT_URI
>> => 
>> "http://app.com/cts/static/**images/logo.gif<http://app.com/cts/static/images/logo.gif>
>> ",
>>                                              SCRIPT_URL
>> => "/cts/static/images/logo.gif",
>>                                              SERVER_ADDR
>> => "",
>>                                              SERVER_ADMIN
>> => "webmaster-cts\@cisco.com",
>>                                              SERVER_NAME
>> => "app.com",
>>                                              SERVER_PORT             =>
>> 80,
> So these look like at whatever point this is captured, the environment is
> sane - why this isn't being picked up by Catalyst::Engine::CGI (which the
> FastCGI engine subclasses) is a mystery to me, but I suspect your app code..
>> I removed the FcgidInitialEnv lines fromhttpd conf. But still am not
>> able to move forward.
> Does it all work if you use the development server? I.e. is it _only_
> FastCGI that's an issue, or generally with anything not mod_perl
>  We are using catalyst  5.7014.
> This version is almost 4 years old, which is a lifetime! But it's probably
> easier to get you sorted out where you are right now than trying to upgrade
> as well.
> Cheers
> t0m
> Cheers
> t0m
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