On 06/10/2013, at 6:27 PM, John Karr <brain...@brainbuz.org> wrote:

> Rejected: Apache::Solr
> Returned a resultset that didn't work in Template::Toolkit, had write ugly 
> code to convert to array of hashrefs.
> I could not figure out how to use a filter query (they are absolutely 
> required for how I intend to use Solr).

Probably could have sorted this by passing the Solr resultset to a subref set 
to $c->stash.  so you end up with something like [% SET data =  
handle_stupid_resultset(data); WHILE (x = data.iterate); 'do stuff with ' _ x ; 
END;  %] in your template. It's the poor man's approach to putting new object 
models in the template rendering engine. 
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