We should probably document what it means by $c->response->body can accept a 
file handle.  Like plack specifies the interface it must deal with.  Anyone up 
to that?

This FH in body thing is something I've been thinking about a lot lately, in 
regards to when Catalyst is running under an event loop for example, should 
Catalyst stream the Filehandle a non blocking manner.  But it would be great to 
document this.  Also, I am thinking setting the default size when its missing 
could really belong to middleware.  Plack has some default middleware that does 


the means it works looks like this


There's a few things in Catalyst.pm that could profitable just use 
Plack::Middleware counterparts.

just a thought.


On Thursday, November 21, 2013 9:20 AM, neil.lunn <n...@mylunn.id.au> wrote:
On 22/11/2013 12:33 AM, Bill Moseley wrote:

>On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:32 PM, neil.lunn <n...@mylunn.id.au> wrote:
This approach may work for you is the compressed data is actually in a scalar 
and not too large. And not too small. YMMV.
>>my $z = read_file "product.json.gz";
>>my $io = IO::Scalar->new( \$z );
>>$io->seek( -4, 2 );
>>$io->read( my $buf, 4);
>>my $uncompressed_size = unpack( 'V', $buf );
>This indeed does work in my tests.   Thanks for all the help, Neil.   I really 
>appreciate the time you spent on this.
No prob. Part of my thing on list reponses is that there is a seed for others 
to learn from what was discussed. 
I do wonder if there is a sane way to test for an in memory file
    handle and give a more appropriate warning, but that is for further

>Bill Moseley
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