Kevin (& all), 
Some neat birds were found Saturday that didn't get posted on Cayugabirds-L or 
texted to the rare bird alert but did get shared by cell phone among several 
people in the field. There was a Sanderling which Bob McGuire & Gary Kohlenberg 
(& Stuart Krasnoff?) found at Myers Point early this morning, and was later 
seen by at least Ann Mitchell and myself.  And there was an Orange-crowned 
Warbler which Nate Senner found at Freese Road which was later seen by Gary 
Kohlenberg and Ann Mitchell.  Neither was a first of year observation nor a 
bird which is unexpected, but both are tough basin birds which few people have 
seen this year.  Should such observations be put on the RBA?  Should observers 
ensure that such observations get posted on Cayugabirds-L?  I admit that when 
Ann called me a second time saying she didn't know how to do an RBA, I chose to 
look for the Orange-crowned Warbler during my limited opportunity rather than 
spend the time typing out an RBA, but I told her so and thought she was going 
to have someone else do it.  As for the Sanderling, I was driving for the first 
45 minutes after I heard about it, and I never was at my computer again till 
well after I saw it, so I didn't realize it didn't get posted till mid 
afternoon.  At noon  when I saw it I was about to text that it was still there, 
but called Ann first because I knew Sanderling had been on her list of missing 
species, and then I got distracted by looking for the Orange-crowned Warbler 
until I had other obligations.  Sorry about that.
--Dave Nutter

On Saturday, October 17, 2009, at 06:55PM, "Kevin McGowan" <> 
>Did I miss something?  What Orange-crowned Warbler?
>At 06:27 PM 10/17/2009, Gary Kohlenberg wrote:
>>This afternoon I was able to re-find the Orange-crowned Warbler that 
>>Nathan Senner discovered while birding with Ann Mitchell. A quick call to 
>>Ann gave her a second chance to see it as she wasn't quite tall enough to 
>>see over the goldenrod. It made me think that sparrow-ing in the fall 
>>would be more productive wearing short stilts. That may have given me just 
>>the edge I needed to see the Henslow's sparrow I missed at Hog Hole.
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