Hi all,
 Ton and I went around the lake yesterday, Saturday, for some birding. The wind 
was strong from the southwest all day.  We started out on Stevenson Rd., in the 
area around the Pheasant Farm in Ithaca where there was a huge flock (200+) of 
mostly female REDWING BLACKBIRDS, with a few GRACKLES mixed in.  In addition, 
the area held 8 TURKEY VULTURES, one BLUEBIRD and only 2 REDTAILED HAWKS in 
addition to the hundreds of AMERICAN CROWS.
  We then stopped at Myers Point (skipped Stewart Park, so missed Tim's 
scoter), which was empty except for MALLARDS.  On up the east side of the lake 
- where we spotted one KESTREL along the way before we stopped at Long Point 
Park. One (and the only one of the day) COMMON LOON and several BLACK DUCKS.  
Aurora Bay had more BLACK DUCKS and a fly-by CORMORANT and one CANADA GOOSE.  
In Union Springs, the Factory Rd. pond had 6 GADWALL (3 pairs) while the larger 
pond along the main road contained MALLARDS and 2 female BUFFLEHEAD.   The lake 
was pretty empty!  Only a couple of Mallards at the town hall park in Cayuga.  
Around 2 pm we arrived at the Visitors Center at Montezuma. The following lists 
were entered into eBIRD. 
 X means too many (or too difficult) to count.

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Visitor Center
Number of species:     7

Canada Goose     4
American Wigeon     10
Mallard     20
Green-winged Teal   25
Black-bellied Plover     5
Greater Yellowlegs     1
Dunlin     70+

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Main Pool (wildlife drive)
The Main Pool, of course, is covered in vegetation, but also in water, which 
makes a great hiding
place for the ducks!  It's hard to see them, but a cooperative adult BALD EAGLE 
flew over, toward the
wildlife drive, putting up hundreds and hundreds of PINTAILS, RING-NECKED and 
other ducks.  The 
Pintails dominated, however.
Number of species:     21

Greater White-fronted Goose     1
Canada Goose   - many flying 
American Black Duck     X
Mallard     X
Northern Shoveler     X
Northern Pintail     X
Green-winged Teal    25 in wetland to right of first part of drive
Ring-necked Duck     X
Greater/Lesser Scaup     X
Double-crested Cormorant     a few
Great Blue Heron     X
Bald Eagle     2
Northern Harrier     2
Red-tailed Hawk     4
American Coot     X
Black-bellied Plover     3 - in new mudflat just past the main pool
Killdeer     2
Dunlin   X  - in new mudflat just past the main pool
Ring-billed Gull     X
Herring Gull     X
Great Black-backed Gull     X
American Crow     X
Red-winged Blackbird     X

Location:     Montezuma NWR--Knox-Marcellus Marsh
Observation date:     10/30/10
Number of species:     11

Snow Goose     400
Canada Goose     X
Tundra Swan     30     Not certain these were all Tundra or Trumpeter or both - 
in distance. Most likely Tundra.
Mallard     X
Common Merganser     5
Ruddy Duck     4
Great Blue Heron     8
Sandhill Crane     16 - our first EVER seen at Montezuma! I always thought it 
was a myth......
Dunlin     X
Ring-billed Gull     X
Herring Gull     X

Laura Stenzler

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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