I eat breakfast on the sunporch which overlooks many feeders.  I love watching 
the bird behaviors and interactions.  A bluejay came in and landed in the 
serviceberry next to the feeders..  A robin zoomed in and chased it away.  
Every time the bluejay came back the (now pair of robins) would madly chase off 
the bluejay..  This happened at least three times.  Finally the robins left it 
alone and it was able to feed in peace..  I have many pairs of robins with 
nests in my yard.  I'm sure the bluejays have been up to no good and have 
threatened the robin's nest. 

My orioles and catbirds have been back for awhile now. They come to the jelly 
and orange feeder.  The house finches come to that feeder too.  The red-bellied 
woodpecker will come for the oranges (and suet).  The hummingbirds are coming 
to their feeder.  I still have 4 or so white-crowned sparrows.  I finally heard 
the yellowthroat and yellow warblers this morning.  I also heard the least 
flycatcher and warbling vireo this morning. I'm pretty sure they nest here 
since I have them each year.  I have a pair of house wrens using the birdhouse 
below my bedroom window.  They drove off the house sparrows which usually use 

Oh, yesterday I had a flyover Coopers Hawk.  It was being escorted out of town 
by the grackles.  I have real problems getting my work done because I watch my 
birds too much.   I'd love to get someone new. 

Have a great birdy day!

Carol Keeler

Sent from my iPad

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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