Good afternoon,


Executive Summary: 


Please try not to cross-post the same message to multiple eLists - in other
words, do not add multiple email Lists in the To: or Cc: fields of a new


Instead, please generate a separate email message for each email List you
wish to post to. This will help prevent messages with duplicate Message ID's
from getting deleted by "smart" email-handling programs and, thus, help
prevent duplicate messages from getting dropped from the message archive




First, I am referencing the three archive locations, here:


Primary (Long-term):

Secondary (Long-term):

Tertiary (Short-term):


It had come to my attention that some messages are variably not successfully
being archived into the three archives available for Cayugabirds-L.


For the past several weeks, I have been working with these various Archive
Managers and Owners and the Cornell ListManager to identify what is causing
messages to seemingly drop from the archive - never even appearing.


A variety of contributing factors were identified, some of which we, as
Managers/Owners don't have any control over.

One of the factors that can prevent messages from being properly archived
has to do with an email's unique Message ID. Each time a user creates and
sends an email message, that email message will be assigned a unique Message
ID "number", regardless of how many email addresses the message is addressed
to in either the To: or Cc: field. This means that if a user sends a message
to List A and decides to Cc: the same message to List B, the message
arriving at List A and List B will have the same unique Message ID, even
though the recipient Lists are different.


Where this becomes a problem is in the "smart" way that many new email
servers are handling messages that appear to be "identical" through the
comparison between Message ID's. If there is a subscriber who is only
subscribed to List A, they will not see this as a problem. If there is a
subscriber to both Lists A and B, they may likely see a problem; their email
server will allow the first message arriving into their server to be
processed as normal, but recognize the second message (arriving split
seconds later) as a duplicate and trash that second "duplicate" message,
before it even goes out for delivery to their email address. The result is
that a subscriber to Lists A and B may only get that cross-posted message
from List A and not from List B, or vice versa, depending upon arrival time.


Now, apply this to the Archives. The Archives are treated in the same way
that any subscriber is treated. The Archives are created from a subscribed
email address. If said Archive "subscriber" is subscribed to Lists A and B,
that Archive will only "see" a single duplicated or cross-posted message -
the one which is received first by the Archive's mail server. As a result,
any cross-posted message might show up in email Archive for List A and not
in email Archive for List B, C, D, E, etc., even though the message was
originally addressed to multiple other email Lists.


A relatively simple work-around for this, although perhaps a bit clunky, is
to generate a unique message for each List. It probably takes an extra 20
seconds per List address (cut-and-pasting the entire message into a new
email for each List). I realize this may not be feasible or convenient for
many to do in this way. The benefit in doing this, is to produce a unique
Message ID for each message sent to each email List, allowing each
respective multi-List-subscribed email address to receive each
"cross-posted" message; thus, allowing each message to appear in each
respective email Archive for the greater good of future references to the


In summary, please try not to cross-post the same message to multiple eLists
- in other words, do not add multiple email Lists in the To: or Cc: fields
of a new message.


Instead, please generate a separate email message for each email List you
wish to post to. This will help prevent messages with duplicate Message ID's
from getting deleted by "smart" email-handling programs and, thus, help
prevent duplicate messages from getting dropped from the message archive


Thanks very much to those who took the time to read this long-winded


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me
off List.


Thanks again and good birding!


Chris T-H



Chris Tessaglia-Hymes

Listowner, Cayugabirds-L

Ithaca, New York

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