Some highlights from a fine morning with the SFO local trip.  From Monkey run 
south, where we found no new migrants but listened to songs of residents and 
watched the sun come out, we proceeded to Mount Pleasant, where we found cold 
WSW wind and no raptor movement at ~ 8:30 am.  The only passing traveler was a 
single DC CORMORANT flying high; there was a group of N FLICKERS that may have 
been migrants foraging for the morning, and we heard and saw a presumably local 
C RAVEN.  We stopped off at the game farm where a patch of sunshine beautifully 
lit a great demonstration of multiple RED-TAILED HAWKs' aerobatics in the 
strong wind.  A single distant BROAD-WINGED hawk went by heading north, but was 
seen only by the leader and not counted on our list. We next went down to 
Stewart Park where there were some SCAUP (L)  on the water along with 
BUFFLEHEADS, and (probably more than one, though not seen/heard simultaneously) 
YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS around the swan pen.  Also great looks at many 
ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOWs, flying and perched, along with the TREE and BARN SWs  
for comparison.   Also had great looks at a presumably newly-arrived migrant 
BROWN THRASHER foraging on the ground in front of the boathouse, along with 
HOODED MERGANSERS in the channel.  An OSPREY did a very dramatic low-altitude 
flyover, ending in a spectacular folded-wing acceleration down and out of view 
behind the boathouse.  We later watched it deconstruct a fish while perched in 
a tree across the channel.  Next stop was Burdick Hill Rd, where we heard but 
did not see an E MEADOWLARK, also E BLUEBIRD, KESTREL and a single (!) TURKEY.  
Finally we stopped at Comstock knoll and heard a couple of songs from a PINE 
WARBLER and RED-BREASTED NUTHATCHES.  Back at the lab we picked up a FIELD 
SPARROW and FOX SPARROW, and a PIED-BILLED GREBE.  A 57 sp. morning,  thanks to 
all good observers!

--John Greenly

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