I've been sitting the last hour here in the cemetary, watching a (presumably) 
female merlin hanging out on the highest naked snag atop a pine, calling 
regularly and making frequent flycatcher-style forays. Then, a moment ago, a 
slightly different call signaled the arrival of a (presumably) male for a quick 
copulation and immediate departure.

After a long rest the female went out for another foray, but this time, on 
return it was displaced by a crow, which now owns that perch and looks enormous 
compared to how big the merlin had looked on the same branch.


On May 12, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Stuart Krasnoff <s...@cornell.edu> wrote:

> After a discussion about Cape May Warblers  I decided to stop at the Ithaca 
> City Cemetary to  check the tall spruces.  I didn't get that far. Just below 
> the Stewart Ave. entrance  there's a short road that goes off sharply to the 
> north and over that road and up toward Stewart Ave. stands a white pine with 
> its top 20' dead and sere.  I saw a lump near the top that turned out to be a 
> MERLIN with its back to me, either grooming or picking at some food.  After a 
> minute of watching it, it dive bombed a cardinal and then flew to the south 
> into another white pine.  I refound it perched near a dense packing of sticks 
> that might be a nest. To find the putative nest tree find the bench with the 
> short flagpole on the left of the main road where it bends sharply to the 
> right.   Stand across the road (on the north side) at the bend and sight to 
> the left of the flagpole looking SSE.  There are several pines up there just 
> 50 yards or so below Stewart AVe.  The bird and nest (or collection of 
> sticks) was in the left-most tree maybe 20-25'  from its top.  Merlins have 
> been reported thereabouts perennially but this the first one I've found there.
> Marginal digivideo through my scope at: http://youtu.be/azf-ZZlmi9Q  
> Best...Stuart
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