And one can get a large, oval solid rash that is not like a bull's eye one with 
separate rings, and still be free of Lyme Disease!
Last year I had a tick embedded in my neck/collarbone area and it made such a 
rash (solid red, no rings); later blood testing and lack of symptoms showed no 
Lyme Disease (luckily). However, sometimes it still itches there.

Even though we all took precautions, I just came back from the SFO Cape May, NJ 
trip with a small reddish tick embedded in the small of my back. Did not look 
like a Deer Tick, but I am keeping an eye on the area (with a mirror). Found 
and removed within 24 hours of embedding, I think, so it would not have had 
time to disgorge its intestinal contents. Yuck.

However, I have not seen many ticks around Lansing area since our "winter 
summer" weather a few months ago. Maybe the later extreme cold killed off that 
first bunch? But they will be back.

Donna Scott
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ann Mitchell 
  To: John and Fritzie Blizzard 
  Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 10:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Ticks & Trip to Lindsay Parsons

  Just to let you know, that not everyone gets a circular rash. It is a great 
warning to the people who are "lucky" (not a good word to use for the bite, 
but...) enough to get the rash. Beware because you can be bitten and never 
develop a rash. If you feel ill, don't ignore it. Seek treatment. I worked for 
a doctor who knew. Sorry about your son, Fritzie and John. Ann

  On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:25 PM, John and Fritzie Blizzard 
<> wrote:

    George & all .. ...

    Our 56 yr. old son had Lyme last spring/early summer & was very seriously 
ill for close to 2 mos., initially refusing to go to a dr.. I'm so thankful 
that a man with whom he works told him how CRITICALLY ill his own daughter 
became from the effects of Lyme.

    This was the 2nd time in 3 yrs., with last yr. being FAR, FAR, FAR worse 
than the first bout. (Both times the ticks were in hard to spot places & it was 
the red rash that made him aware.)

    He had unrelenting high fever for three wks. with  temp. that finally 
peaked at 103.4 deg. .... accompanied by chills, sweating, dreadful, unending 
headache, as well as aches & pains everywhere. Whether it was "just" the Lyme 
or his bad reaction to Doxycycline we'll never know but his hands were very 
red, very sore & very swollen with blisters deep in the flesh & eventually the 
skin peeled off. He has had flu/cold-like bouts several times since then. From 
what I've read, these & other weird effects can continue to crop up.

    Folks, this is not a simple "virus, it'll-go-away-in-due-time" type thing 
even tho' it acts like a virus. If you have the red rash .. get to the dr. 
fast. Blood tests rarely come back "positive" but that rash is the basic thing 
to look for. Seems that there are drs. who tend to pooh-pooh the whole idea but 
besides our son, we have a friend in NH, heart of tick country, who has been 
through severe medical crises since having Lyme twice. AND pay attention to the 
side effects warnings about Doxycycline .... esp. the part about 

    Susan wrote:   An added bonus… not a single tick in sight!

    George wrote:  several of the ones I _have_ seen were already attached to 
me. One of these bites produced a vague circular rash about 3" in diameter. I  
took the full course of Doxycycline, just in case (a neighbor of mine actually 
came down with Lyme Disease last year). Better safe than sorry.


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