Of potential interest to subscribers to this list who live in the Ithaca area.  
Feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested in this talk.   --Marty

Tracks and Shadows: Field Biology as Art
Book talk by Harry W. Greene
Thursday, March 6, 4:00 pm
Stern Seminar Room, 160 Mann Library
Harry Greene's new book Tracks and Shadows: Field Biology as Art (University of 
California Press; October 2013) is not only about the making of a field 
biologist, but an eccentric mediation on natural history. Both an absorbing 
autobiography and a celebration of the beauty in nature, the book explores 
multiple themes including the destruction of habitat and loss of biodiversity, 
the nuts and bolts of field research and teaching, how natural historians help 
save species from extinction, and the "sheer poetry" of field biology.

Greene is professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Cornell University 
and a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow. Other publications include the 
award winning book Snakes: The Evolution of Mystery in Nature. His books 
promote biological diversity, ecology, behavior and conservation-the core 
components of scientific literacy.

Light refreshments will be available throughout the event, and books will be 
available for purchase and signing.

Mann Library is located off of Tower Road on the Cornell University Ag Quad. 
For more information visit 
 or call 255-5406.


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