Chipmunks and squirrels do what they do without conscience or shame as do all 
predators. Nature is messy. Good work for keeping your cats inside. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Melanie Uhlir" <> 
To: "Robyn Bailey" <>, "Susan Fast" <>, 
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 4:17:23 PM 
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] a mystery---goldfinchs 

I guess I hate chipmunks now. Why didn't the vicious vermin eat the murder 

My cats are indoor-only. If I could train them to eat only chipmunks and House 
Sparrows I would let them out. 


On 9/9/2015 4:11 PM, Robyn Bailey wrote: 

Re: Part 2…I have heard that this is a chipmunk M.O. Fortunately, have never 
had to witness it in person. 

Robyn Bailey 

From: [ ] On Behalf Of Susan Fast 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 3:20 PM 
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] a mystery---goldfinchs 

I've been watching some inexplicable behavior (to me) by 1 or 2 goldfinches 
nesting in my yard. There are 2 parts. 

Part 1: 2 weeks ago I noticed a female goldfinch perching in bushes along the 
front of the house, then flying toward the upper lefthand corner of a large 
double-hung window, hovering for a second, then flying against the glass. This 
was late afternoon and she repeated the behavior a dozen times. I would scare 
her away, but she returned after several minutes. Night fell and she desisted. 
At 0700 next morning she was at it again. 

I tightly closed the inside curtains. No effect. I then hung a painter's 
dropcloth over the whole window on the outside. This stopped her briefly, but 
she then moved to the upper lefthand corner of an adjacent window (same size 
and shape, but 4' away) and continued. I put a dropcloth over that window also. 
I have 2 other identical windows in the second story over these, but she did 
not go up there, thankfully. I didn't see her the rest of the day. Next morning 
I took the cloths down and she did not reappear. 

Part 2: The last several days, I have seen a goldfinch flying repeatedly into 
the top (40' up) of a large sugar maple in our side yard. Nest, I figured. 
About an hour ago, my daughter found a headless baby bird, still warm, on the 
ground under the tree. The neck was still present, although skinless, the head 
gone except for the very bottom edge of it, apparently cleanly removed. She 
called me out to look, and as we did so, another baby dropped onto the roof of 
her car. Blood was still flowing from the point where the neck attaches to the 
body, but both head and neck were gone. No other damage visible. 

Both babies have rudimentary wing feathers and patches of fuzz here and there. 
At this time also, an adult goldfinch could be heard vocalizing from above in 
the tree. Shortly thereafter, a female adult was seen moving about among the 
goldenrod and other weed heads below the tree and picking out seeds. She was 
also vocalizing (prob. same bird) initially, but stopped after a couple 

Ideas welcome. 

Steve Fast 



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