Thank you all for your support!
Ken, Thanks so much for the great Partners in Flight resource and species
list! I'll be sure to include those birds as well. Some of those Common
Birds in Steep Decline are pretty alarming, given just how common they seem
here. I'll give Greg your email as a further contact. I'm not sure of the
process involved in updating the RFSS, or what will come of it. I am
optimistic that the information provided will be taken into consideration
for the management of woodland habitat and grazing practices in the Finger
Lakes NF. Thanks again for all your help!

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:50 PM, Kenneth V. Rosenberg <>

> Josh,
> Great job compiling conservation status information on these birds!
> Sorting through all the various lists at state, national, and global scales
> can be very challenging. I think you’re approach of combining state-listed
> species, global concern lists, and eBird records is exactly the right
> approach to take.
> Another recent source with additional information on these species is the
> Partners in Flight Landbird Conservation Plan, also published in 2016:
>  The only minor change since the State
> of the Birds report, is that Evening Grosbeak was added to the Watch List
> because of its steep declines — it could be added to your list as a winter
> visitor (now rare) on FLNF. Olive-sided Flycatcher (also on the Watch List)
> also could potentially be added as a migrant.
> The Partners in Flight Plan also lists a group of “Common Birds in Steep
> Decline,” which are not yet on the Watch List, but have lost 50% or more of
> their global population since 1970 (according to the BBS), and are often
> representative of degraded habitats. These include the Yellow-billed
> Cuckoo, Field Sparrow, and Rusty Blackbird, which you have already listed
> as “honorable mentions,” as well as some other common local species — Bank
> Swallow (B), Blackpoll Warbler (migrant), Pine Siskin (W), Eastern
> Meadowlark (B), Chimney Swift (B), Wilson’s Warbler (M), Least Flycatcher
> (B), American Tree Sparrow (W), and Common Grackle (!).
> If the FLNF has additional questions, or is going through a formal process
> to update their list, I would be happy to provide more input.
> Kenneth V. Rosenberg
> Conservation Science Program
> Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> Office: 607-254-2412 <(607)%20254-2412>
> cell: 607-342-4594 <(607)%20342-4594>
> On Mar 15, 2017, at 12:42 PM, Joshua Snodgrass <>
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been volunteering in the Finger Lakes National Forest checking on the
> condition of bird boxes for the new biologist there. He is currently
> updating the Regional Forester Sensitive Species list for the forest, and
> asked for my input on any birds that should be added to the list that are
> in trouble. It would be irresponsible of me to give advice without asking
> for input from this community, who are far more knowledgeable than I am.
> What I have done in my efforts to make good recommendations are to
> crosscheck eBird sightings with the NY DEC's list of state Endangered,
> Threatened, and Species of concern, as well as the most recent State of the
> Birds report for species that are in trouble versus those that occur in the
> forest. I included any birds in the SotB report that received a score of
> "13" or higher. If any of you have recommendations for additional species,
> or other edits, please let me know. Thank you all for any input. Below is
> the list of bird species I came up with that have been recorded in eBird as
> occuring in the Finger Lakes NF, with NYDEC sensitive species first.
> Short-eared Owl- NY Endangered
> Golden Eagle- NY Endangered (usually a migrant, one recent record of a
> perched bird)
> Pied-billed Grebe- NY Threatened
> Bald Eagle- NY Threatened
> Northern Harrier- NY Threatened
> Henslow's Sparrow- NY Threatened
> Upland Sandpiper- NY Threatened (flyover record, but habitat seems
> amenable)
> Northern Goshawk- NY Species of Concern (SoC)
> Cooper's Hawk- NY SoC
> Sharp-shinned Hawk- NY SoC
> Red-shouldered Hawk- NY SoC
> Common Nighthawk- NY Soc
> Horned Lark- NY SoC
> Vesper Sparrow- NY SoC
> Grasshopper Sparrow- NY SoC
> Birds not listed by NY DEC, but in trouble globally according to 2016
> State of the BIrds report follow.  The State of the Birds Watch List
> includes any species with a score of 14 or higher, as well as those with a
> score of 13 and a rapidly declining population. I have included all species
> that scored a 13 or higher that are known to occur in the Finger Lakes NF
> below:
> Bobolink- 14 breeding
> Wood Thrush- 14 breeding
> Canada Warbler- 14 breeding?
> American Woodcock- 13 breeding
> Black-billed Cuckoo- 13 breeding
> Blue-winged Warbler- 13 breeding
> Prairie Warbler- 13 breeding
> Cape May Warbler- 13 migrant
> Connecticut Warble- 13 migrant
> Honorable mentions- birds that score a 12 that breed on Finger Lakes NF
> lands:
> Yellow-billed Cuckoo
> Chestnut-sided Warbler
> Louisiana Waterthrush
> Mourning Warbler (breeds?)
> Veery
> Field Sparrow
> Rusty Blackbird (migrant?)
> Links to the State of the Birds, and NYDEC species list, and breeding bird
> atlas
> State of the Birds species table:
> /2016/resources/species-assessments/
>  Thank for any input!
> Josh
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