I watched an interesting sequence around 7 am and got some of it in some really 
bad pictures.  For Basin lovers, all birds in question also use the part of Ed 
Hill Road that is within the Basin.  Indeed the Kestrel may be one of the young 
ones raised in house eaves on Ed Hill Road, and if not, a parent.  (I have to 
see the pictures on my laptop before deciding)

A Kestrel was perched atop a sunning-favored dead tree.  This tree is used by 
multiple species, from Mourning Doves to Redtail Hawks—early am and late pm.  
Good view of sun in both directions?

It was being dive bombed by two very aggressive Barn Swallows and was raising 
its wings repeatedly to protect its head.  (Empathy…our barn door in my 
childhood was guarded by defensive Barn Swallows)   But it refused to leave 
between attacks.  I don’t know that I have ever seen Barn Swallows swooping a 
falcon or hawk.

Then an American Crow arrived, swooped down and that was too much.  The Kestrel 
left.   The crow didn’t even land, but apparently drove off the Kestrel on 
general principles, and continued on toward the field, barely getting off 

I guess young Barn Swallows in particular might make occasional Kestrel prey?  
I watched a Kestrel the other evening capturing something high in the air 
column, perhaps Green Darner dragonflies.


Anne B Clark
147 Hile School Rd
Freeville, NY 13068


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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