There is no question about it. It has been a banner year for fruit and cone 
> On Oct 25, 2017, at 3:08 PM, wrote:
> Our (mostly red) oak trees had a huge mast year two years ago, but last year 
> and this year the acorns have been at more normal production levels. Red oaks 
> have a two year cycle for acorn production - the flowers from this year are 
> next year's acorns - so it could be that 2018 will be another big year for 
> acorns in our woods.
> Cones & other nuts do seem abundant wherever we look, but I assumed it was 
> because this has been the first year in several that we didn't have an 
> ill-timed cold snap or drought during a crucial part of the growing season.  
> On our property we had almost no walnuts last year & I am certain that was 
> b/c of a bad cold snap just after pollination that seemed to kill most of the 
> tiny fruit, followed by an extended period without rain later in the growing 
> season.  There have been a couple of cold/warm/cold/warm periods in early 
> spring during the past five years and several kinds of fruit and nut trees 
> were affected. Perhaps the trees have energy on hand from those years when 
> they couldn't develop fruit, and can pour that energy into extra production 
> this year?  
> While cold snaps & droughts also are connected to climate change, my guess is 
> that this year's abundance had more to do with these factors rather than with 
> warming - it wasn't all that warm in central NYS this summer 
> <>,
>  for one thing!
> Alicia
> P.S.  Birders on the Maine bird list have similar complaints about the 
> disappearance of their feeder birds, with similar conclusions that it likely 
> is due to unusual amounts of food in the wild. 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> Betsy Darlington <>
> To:
> "Marc Devokaitis" <>
> Cc:
> "Barbara B. Eden" <>, "CAYUGABIRDS-L" 
> <>
> Sent:
> Wed, 25 Oct 2017 12:47:44 -0400
> Subject:
> Re: [cayugabirds-l] Where are all my feeder birds
> I wonder if all these trees are putting out "stress cones/seeds," caused by 
> the accelerating warming.  Or do they just like being so warm?
> Betsy
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Marc Devokaitis < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Re-opening this thread--I thought I'd share with the list a comment from 
> Donald Leopold, Chair of the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology 
> at SUNY-ESF (I was asking him about something else, but this came up.)
> "Not only are conifers producing an extraordinary abundance of cones but I 
> have never seen such an abundance of walnuts, hickories, oak acorns, sugar 
> maple and white ash samaras, and other tree fruits and seeds. Interestingly, 
> I’ve seen this above average production across the Northeast."
> Hopefully this goes a long way to explaining the increase in decreases this 
> year.
> Marc Devokaitis
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Barbara B. Eden < 
> <>> wrote:
> For the past 2 months the resident birds that I daily feed have dropped in 
> population This is the first time this has happened and even those pesky 
> squirrels have left I live in Cayuga Heights and my backyard is a bird 
> friendly habitat
> Any thoughts would be appreciated 
> Thanks
> Barbara Eden
> Sent using OWA for iPhone
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