
Pardon my delayed response, as I was traveling  I have nesting data on 124
osprey nests as part of my Cayuga Lake Basin Osprey Project and can easily
tell you the few osprey nests by the Cayuga inlet. I know where there are
GBHE rookeries, in the area, but not near Stewart Park and the Inlet where
the birds hang out.

Osprey nest occupied by breeding pairs in the southern end of lake: Stewart
Park behind Youth Bureau, Robert Treman Marine Park, Union Field. This is
the southern point of their nesting in the basin as far as I know.  Let me
know if you find any.

Osprey nest platforms not yet occupied in the southern end of lake:
southend of Stewart Park footbridge to Newman Golf Course, Newman Golf
Course west end, Hogs Hole, and Cherry Street.

Other area osprey pairs that also fish in the inlet and southern end of
Cayuga are nesting at McGowen Fields and the Cornell Ponds.

Query cayugabirds-l
​)​ about the locations of heron rookeries on Six Mile Creek and other
promising places. EBird might also be a help.

Let me know if you  need more info or find any nests in the lake's southern
end or inlet that are not listed on the Cayuga Lake Trail Map (below),
which includes 69 nests in the Cayuga Basin visible from public roads.

Eyes to the sky!

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Gabriel Curran <> wrote:

> Hi Candace,
> I'm doing a project looking at the Cayuga Inlet and I was wondering if you
> had any data on current osprey nest locations or sitings. Has anyone kept
> track of this?
> I'm also looking at blue herons, if you happen to have any similar
> information on these birds.
> Thanks!
> Gabe
> --
> *Gabriel Curran*
> Dual Master's Candidate | City and Regional Planning + Landscape
> Architecture
> Cornell University | College of Art, Architecture & Planning


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