There are 60+ solar projects in various stages of development across NY. The 
big one in Cayuga County is call the Garnet Energy Center. The siting approval 
process can be followed at:

The solar panels and facility will be built on 1300 of the 2000 acre project. 
There is an Intervenor group formally involved in the proceeding called the 
Rural Preservation and Net Conservation Benefit Coalition.  They are not trying 
to stop the project, but trying to encourage pollinator friendly planting and 
get some mitigation land set aside. I haven’t seen any sign that the developer 
is consenting.

The documentation of the impact to breeding Horned Lark and Vesper Sparrow 
appears like it will be limited, so folks birding in the proposed project area 
(not far from Montezuma NWR) can contribute by looking for these two species 
and submitting sitings to eBird, especially this May and June. The project area 
has recently grown and maps can be found at the link above.

Besides the renewable energy benefit, taking fields of neonic-laden corn and 
soy seeds and their associated herbicides out of production is a good thing.

As far as we know, solar is more friendly to migratory birds than big wind 
regarding direct impacts, however no follow-up fatality studies are currently 
planned for ANY solar projects in NY.  Substantial avian impacts from solar 
have apparently been a well-kept secret in California, so we need to keep an 
eye on it and push for some NY solar fatality studies.  How could a grebe 
mistake a solar field for water? I don’t know, but it happens. 

In my current understanding, a 200 MW solar project in NY would have much less 
avian impact than the equivalent energy production from 70 600-ft high wind 
turbines in the same location.

Bill Evans

From: david nicosia 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 8:31 AM
Subject: Massive Solar Farm coming to Cayuga County



Does anyone have any more details on this? If it is done with wildlife in mind 
this could be a good thing. If they plant pollinator friendly and native 
grasses this could be a positive. But if it is just plain grass it could be at 
best just a trade-off and at worse a negative. These solar farms could be good 
for birds and pollinators. see 

Maybe you are all aware of this but the big renewable energy push through solar 
farms could be an opportunity to improve bird and pollinator habitats. Anyway, 
just wondering if any folks have information on this or have contacted solar 
farm companies on this. 



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