Many thanks, as always, for your edifying info! Love this little singer’s 
melody, what that little phoebe says?!

> On May 25, 2022, at 12:42 PM, Jay McGowan <> wrote:
> Hi Barbara,
> That's a Say's Phoebe. And yes, you can import videos into the app as well as 
> audio from other apps, although it's easiest to record straight onto Merlin.
> Since we're on the subject, I thought I would put out a quick public service 
> reminder regarding Merlin and reporting birds to eBird. Merlin Sound ID is an 
> amazing resource to help birders learn bird sounds and pick up more on the 
> birds around them. We're also working hard to expand Sound ID to other parts 
> of the world (many species in Europe are already covered). However, it's 
> important for all of us to remember that the IDs Merlin gives are 
> suggestions, or best guesses. We're achieving spectacular accuracy thanks to 
> the hard work of staff and volunteers who have annotated thousands of 
> recordings, but bird sounds are variable, and some are just as tricky for 
> Merlin as they are for birders (think Dark-eyed Junco vs. Pine Warbler etc.) 
> So please, DO NOT simply take Merlin's word for an ID when it comes to adding 
> it to your eBird checklist. Use it as a starting point, and try to confirm 
> visually or by comparing the recording to others before settling on an ID. If 
> Merlin suggests something uncommon and you think it's correct, please upload 
> your recording along with the observation in eBird.
> Thanks!
> Jay McGowan
> Macaulay Library, Cornell Lab
>> On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:20 PM Barbara Hotchkiss <> 
>> wrote:
>> Here’s the songbird in question; heard/seen in Boulder CO  
>> Warm regards,
>> Bar’bara’
>>>> On May 25, 2022, at 10:41 AM, Nita L. Irby <> wrote:
>>> Sorry to clutter the list but I have to get this off my chest:
>>> Merlin’s sound ID function is the absolute bees knees! Thank you so very 
>>> much to its developers.
>>> Merlin has engaged my friends and family in ways I have not seen before. My 
>>> husband, for example, “likes“ birds but won’t even pick up a pair of 
>>> binoculars. Last night he said “get your phone and come out front quick!” 
>>> because, he said, the bird sounds were astounding (and they were). He stood 
>>> there with Merlin for the longest time, turning, recording and listening, 
>>> and the look on his face was great. This morning he grabbed my phone again 
>>> walking along the East Hill trail…..
>>> Thank you, Merlin people! Thank you sound library people! So amazing.
>>> Nita Irby
>>> Dryden
>>> --
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>> --
> -- 
> Jay McGowan
> Macaulay Library
> Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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