OK, I officially give up after not attracting any martins for many 6 years (I 
think). I am selling my housing setup. It is the basic gourd starter set from 
the Purple Martin Conservation Association. I also added a 6 gourd expansion 
pack (weird, did I just realize I might be an optimist?) but I stole two gourds 
off of it that I am keeping as the Tree Swallows now expect that luxury each 
spring. Each of the ten gourds has a vent hole added, a porch, and an owl 
guard. One or two gourds have some exploratory chewing from squirrels, but none 
that affects the use of the house (see pic). This is the set:

You can find the expansion set at that site and all the other goodies (oh yeah, 
there is a raccoon guard and a couple of Martin decoys). 

Pics of the set can be downloaded here:

They have been sitting outside for maybe 6 years, I bring them in for winter so 
the plastic is in good shape. The gourds are really nice thick plastic. One 
thing you need to add is the 2ā€ x 2ā€ sleeve you put in the ground that the main 
pole slides into. Mine is cemented into the ground forever. This is the needed 

The whole thing cost me almost $1500 all totaled, I am selling at a firm 1/3 of 
that - $500. Iā€™m in Danby and can give directions if anyone wants to look. 
Email me offline. 



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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