
I officially give up after not attracting any Martins for 8 years. Up for grabs 
is the basic gourd starter set from the Purple Martin Conservation Association. 
Each of the 6 gourds has a vent hole, a porch, and an owl guard added. It was a 
12-gourd set but I have stolen 6 gourds because they make cool birdhouses on 
stakes for bluebirds, tree swallows, etc.:

14-foot pole
6 gourds with owl guards, porches, and vents installed
the pully mechanism to raise and lower the gourds for maintenance
12 gourd brackets so you could expand
raccoon guard for pole
instructions for all of it

They have been up for 8 seasons, I bring them in for winter so the plastic is 
in good shape but has grime. The gourds are made of a nice thick plastic. Most 
are filled with lovingly collected white pine needles. 

I am hoping to pass this on to someone who has more chance of success, maybe 
where Martins already nest and might want to expand. Stewart Park? Or perhaps 
someone who has time/energy to play landlord/landlady would like to get this up 
at Jennings Pond so I can visit them? :) Email me offline if you are 
interested. I’m in the Danby area. I’ll post back when they are gone. 

Sherwood Snyder


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