There has been a quite small flock of mixed white-throats and tree sparrows along the 2 track N of Hile School rd. Between 148 and 220. Encountered 3-4 tree sparrows in brushy spots next to road also. But not daily.  Maybe 2 seen at my feeders at 147 but less regularly than purple and house finches for sure. 
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On Dec 9, 2022, at 3:10 PM, John Gregoire <> wrote:

We had a three individuals arrive in November, stay a few days and nothing since. The same for white-throated sparrows. None of the irrupting finches have graced this western basin location. We do have three or four Red-breasted nuthatch that bred here again this year and appear to be staying with us; we now have had them year-round for 3 consecutive years. 

We are curious as to what happened with the tree sparrows this fall. Does anyone have them or white-throated sparrows in numbers?

The Schuyler County CBC will be on 31 December this year.  

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