Your configuration below is NOT a class-based FRTS.  It's only FRTS with MLP 
and LFI.
The FRTS part is the configuration under the map-class.  The MLP part is the 
configuration under the virtual-interface.  And the LFI part is the 2 commands 
(ppp multilink interleave and ppp multilink fragment delay 10) under the 
virtual interface.
The class-based FRTS is as followed:
class-map match-any SIGNAL
 match ip dscp 24 26
class-map match-any VOICE
 match ip dscp 46
policy-map LLQ
 class VOICE
  priority percent 33
  compress header ip rtp
 class SIGNAL
  bandwidth percent 5
 class class-default
policy-map CB-FRTS
 class class-default
  shape average 729600 7296 0
  service-policy LLQ
map-class frame-relay WAN-EDGE
 frame-relay fragment 960
 service-policy output CB-FRTS
int s0/0/0
 no frame-relay traffic-shaping              !make sure this command is not 
int s0/0/0.1
 frame-relay interface-dlci 101
  class WAN-EDGE
And here is the VATS (voice activation traffic shaping) as followed:
Assuming that the port speed is 384 Kbps and link speed is 768 Kbps.  You 
always want to shape voice traffics to the port speed and NOT the link speed.
class-map match-any SIGNAL
 match ip dscp 24 26
class-map match-any VOICE
 match ip dscp 46
policy-map LLQ
 class VOICE
  priority percent 33
  compress header ip rtp
 class SIGNAL
  bandwidth percent 5
 class class-default
policy-map VATS
 class class-default
  shape average 729600 3648 0
  shape adaptive 364800                        !shaping voice traffics to 
within 95% of port speed
  shape fr-voice-adapt deactivation 30     !turn off adaptive shaping 30 
seconds after no voice traffics
  service-policy LLQ
map-class frame-relay WAN-EDGE
 frame-relay fragment 380
 no frame-relay adaptive-shaping becn    !may want to use it, not needed if 
shaped below port speed
 service-policy output CB-FRTS
int s0/0/0
 no frame-relay traffic-shaping              !make sure this command is not 
 frame-relay fragmentation voice-adaptive deactivation 30     !required to turn 
on voice adaptive shaping
int s0/0/0.1
 frame-relay interface-dlci 101
  class WAN-EDGE
Hope that helps.

Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 12:18:09 +1000From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[OSL | CCIE_Voice] Class based Frame relay traffic shaping
I am readin some conflicting information at the moment and need some 
clasrification. Would the following config be consided class based traffic 
shaping or non class basedmap-class frame-relay FRTSH frame-relay cir 60800 
frame-relay bc 0 frame-relay be 0 frame-relay mincir 60800interface 
virtual-interface 1 ip address ppp miltilink ppp multilink 
interleave ppp  multilink fragment delay 10interface ser 0 enacapsulation 
frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shapinginterface ser 0.1 frame-relay 
interface-dlci 1 ppp virtual-template 1 class FRTSH
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