Does NTP sync between Pub and Sub still an issue with ESXi server?

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Jeff Garvas <> wrote:
> It's windows 2003 Server.    You install one of the four DVDs and then
> install UCCx on top of that.
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Duy Nguyen <> wrote:
>> After install, you can give it limited memory and it will work.  Initial
>> is when it needs the resources.  Does UCCx 7 runs on Windows or is it
>> Linux.  If it's Linux just choose redhat 4/5.
>> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Jeff Garvas <> wrote:
>>> I have a P4 3Ghz with 4gb running ESXi.   One thing I've read and
>>> experienced is that installing just about anything with less than the
>>> minimum disk/memory is asking for trouble.   In some unique instalaltions
>>> you'll get it to finish but it won't work right, services won't start right,
>>> etc.
>>> Has anyone here been successful installing UCCx 7 in ESXi?   If so, what
>>> platform server OS did you use or does it not matter?   I have the four
>>> HP/IBM CDs and I have not attempted this yet.
>>> Also, the OS won't install without 2gb of memory.   I tried to install it
>>> on a IBM box that only had a gig and figured that one out.   Anyone know if
>>> I can scale back the memory after installing everything or does it need that
>>> much to operate at all?

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