I can understand completely the burnout issue. I have been studying  
(starting over and over and over again more times than I can count)  
since January and between work issues, family issues, personal issues,  
and sometimes spiritual issues burnout has been a constant in my  
situation. What I have done that has seemed to help me is, talk to  
someone who has gone through it (James Key) has been very instrumental  
in helping me, taking time away from it all when necessary, and most  
of all being a fighter. Believe, Rest, and Fight and just know that no  
matter what you are doing this for you and what's most important to or  
for you. Stay strong and if you wanna holla one on one email me.


Quoting Nara Shikamaru <>:

> I've been working through my studies for about a year now, my lab date is
> set for probably February, and I have to say that overall I'm enjoying the
> process of preparing (and learning).  There are a LOT of things on this exam
> that never come up in the course of everyday work as an enterprise engineer
> and I'm enjoying working through excersises on CUBE and gatekeepers.  I've
> definitely grown since I've started.
> My question has to do with burnout.  I find that even a reasonable schedule
> can be taxing sometimes and I wonder how others on the list handle it.  Some
> on this list have been working through passing the exam for a few years, do
> you have any advice?  Do you find that the burnout's a symptom of something
> to be aware of or is this normal for the aspiring learner and something that
> just needs to be worked through?
> --
> -Shikamaru

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