OK - moved on from 5.8 to a pretty simple question. Block 900 calls w/variable length digits and set a specific error message.
RP set to 91900!# with do not route and exceeded precedence message set. Then it got interesting. HQ Phone 2 is a 7961 with a SIP load. Dialing 919004522138 gets blocked (as it should) but no error message was heard. Tried varying the error message with no change. So, I tried calling from HQ Phone 1 (my home lab - 5001 is a 7960 running SCCP). Dialed the same number and the call was blocked again AND the error message was played. So, anyone know why a 7961 SIP phone would not play the error message? Second, I checked the PG and it showed a RP of 91900? I have not heard of a ? Wildcard. The PG says it is 0 or more digits. I tried the PG solution RP. It did not work. As soon as I entered the 6th digit, I get message that indicates call can't be completed as dialed. I went back to the SRND Chapter 10 and could not find the "?" at all Anybody used the "?" and have it work? Jeff
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