Working on Vol 2 Lab 2 Question 8.2.


When trying to session into the CUE, I get this error:

BR2-RTR#service-module service-Engine 0/0 sess  

Trying, 2194 ... 

% Destination unreachable; gateway or host down


Module status looks good:

BR2-RTR#service-module service-Engine 0/0 status

Service Module is Cisco Service-Engine0/0

Service Module supports session via TTY line 194

Service Module is in Steady state

Service Module heartbeat-reset is enabled

Getting status from the Service Module, please wait..


Cisco Unity Express 7.0.1

CUE Running on AIM


IP route looks good:

BR2-RTR#sh ip route

Routing entry for

  Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0 (connected)

  Routing Descriptor Blocks:

  * directly connected, via Service-Engine0/0

      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1


Config is plain enough:

interface Service-Engine0/0

 ip unnumbered Vlan400

 service-module ip address

 service-module ip default-gateway


Have reloaded the router, and did a ser ser 0/0 reset - still no joy.

What obvious thing am I missing?


cheers, sd


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