
You did all perfectly. Could be SUB PUB sync issue.

Do follow these steps:

On CUCM PUB - reset CUCM Group and see if the phones reset IMMEDIATELY. If not on CUCM PUB "utils ntp restart" and see utils ntp status whether showing exact time on PUB and SUB both.

Shutdown / Stop PUB and see if all device are registering to SUB as failover, at this point of time try usin Dialed number analyzer.


On 3/27/2011 7:28 AM, George Goglidze wrote:
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has seen this before.

There is a requirement to show in Missed/Received directory numbers in E164 format, but in alerting/connected state it should be localized for user.
Subscriber to 7digit, national to 10digit, international to 011....

I have configured correct prefixes on the incoming gateways, so Missed/Received directory is fine! It shows correct values with the +sign E164 format.

And I have configured pt-norm-hq-ani, pt-norm-br1-ani, pt-norm-br2-ani, which are in their corresponding css-norm-hq-ani, css-norm-br1-ani, css-norm-br2-ani and I've applied them to the corresponding Device Pools, in "Calling Party Transformation CSS".

But when the call comes in, I still get in alerting/connected state E164 format.

All my devices phones and gateways are registered to Sub first, and in failed to Publisher.

If I change this and I register all the devices to the Publisher, instead of a subscriber, changing it in Callmanager group configuration, then it all works as expected. Therefore I thought maybe Sub is not replicating correctly, but I've checked and the replication Status is 2! which means it's replicating fine.
I have even restarted the Subscriber but it didn't fix the issue.

I am out of ideas, and I've done it many times in prior Labs, and it has always worked fine! I've searched through CCM Service Parameters, and couldn't find anything that could affect this behaviour.

If anyone has seen this, please let me know...


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