hello all

I know we have address this issue several times

i'm configuring MLP manually and this is how i have HQ configured

int serial 0/0/1:0.1
bandwidth 384

int serial 0/0/1:0
frame-relay traffic-shapping

class-map VOICE
match ip dscp ef
class-map match-any SIG
match ip dscp cs3
match ip dscp af31

policy-map VOIP
class VOICE
priority percent 33
class SIG
bandwidth percent 5
class class-default

map-class frame-relay myconfig
frame-relay cir 384000
frame-relay mincir 384000
frame-relay be 0
frame-relay bc 3840

int virtual-template 1
ip address
bandwidth 384
ppp multilink
ppp multilint interleave
ppp multilink fragment delay 10
service-policy out VOIP

int serial 0/0/1:0.1

no ip add
no frame-relay interface-dlci
frame-relay interface-dlci 201 ppp virtual-template 1
no sh
class myconfig

Branch1 is pretty much the same

when i reload Branch1 I lose connectivity to HQ

so i go to HQ and go to the sub interface
and remove
 frame-relay interface-dlci 201 ppp virtual-template1

add it back in
do the same on branch1

and i have connectivity back

however as soon as i reload either the branc1 or hq router
I lose connectivity again and i have to issue the same workaround to get it
to work again

what do you guys recommend on this issue ?
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